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Quality of life in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+3Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: qualityequalityinequalitywalk of lifequality standardsqualifyqualifiedqualifyingMeaning: n. your personal satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live (as distinct from material comfort). 
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91. However , resectional treatment, even palliative, may prolong life and improve the quality of life.
92. However, aspects of neuropsychological patients with complications may have serious cognitive impairment, in particular the decline in memory to a serious decline in quality of life.
93. Obviously, the quality of life to be enjoyed by someone with psoriatic arthritis will depend on which joints are involved together with the severity of the symptoms.
94. Originally Flemish-speaking and still part of the province of Flanders, it has now been populated by French-speaking commuters from the centre of the capital looking for a better quality of life.
95. It seems that we prefer self-gratification than the quality of life which our children will inherit.
96. This study aimed to determine the effects of balneotherapy on disease activity, functional status, metrology index, pulmonary function and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
97. Objective To study quality of life of nurse in psychiatric hospital.
98. Neuropsychiatric conditions like depression, cancer and heart disease are among the leading illnesses that result in disability and compromise the quality of life, according to the WHO.
99. By design of polycentric, double blind and double simulation, observe change of NYHA, western medicinal symptom score, Chinese medicinal symptom score, quality of life score and indexes of safety.
100. According to IL's comprehensive analysis, France again offers the greatest Quality of Life of any country, while war-torn Iraq remains in last place.
101. CONCLUSION Preservation and reconstruction the lacrimal passage and its physiological function in lateral rhinotomy can enhance the quality of life of the patients.
102. AIM:To evaluate the long term defecation function and quality of life after treated with anorectal longitudinal incision and heart shape anastomosis in children with hirschsprung's disease(HD).
103. OBJECTIVE To observe xerostomia and its effect on quality of life of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients after radiotherapy and discuss related factors that may improve the patients' quality of life.
104. Objective: The aim of this study was to report the long-term outcome for patients with stable trochanteric fractures, especially regarding the health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
105. Company employees "quality of life is the development of the brand is" business purposes, Casting a common brand hibernia glory.
106. Stork affects our quality of life, health and lives greatly.
107. Permanent 125I interstitial radiotherapy affects littler to quality of life of patients.
108. Objective To observe the effect of Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) combination with chemotherapy on the quality of life of patients with advanced malignances during the period of chemotherapy.
109. Conclusion:Rehabilitation exercise training in patients with PTCA or intracoronary stent implantation could increase physical work capacity (, cardiac functional capacity and the quality of life.
110. Breast cancer related lymphedema is associated with decreased arm function, disability and diminished quality of life.
111. The foundation for the action plan is the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2000), whose aim is to reduce premature mortality and improve quality of life.
112. Methods Tang Danlin life quality scale (TDL) was used to assess quality of life in patients with OCD.
113. Ice maker of Best Power can bring you not only the convenience , but also the high quality of life!
114. Poseida had been the least damaged of the major Atlantean cities after the break up into islands, and was still of a very high frequency and quality of life.
115. At the same time, the waste of resources, the ecological deterioration and the decline in quality of life are seriously hampering the realization of people's happiness.
116. One, the quality of life for the emergence of leucorrhea anomalies, couples living quality will also affect greatly, thereby affecting the marital feelings, influence family harmony.
117. The results of this study may help medical personnel understand the quality of life and coping behaviors of women with nocturia .
118. "SAFS responds to oral antifungal therapy as judged by large improvements in quality of life in about 60% of patients, " the study authors write.
119. Methodological Study and It's Application on Assessment of Quality of Life.
120. With its high standard of living safe cities sunny climate and outdoorsy citizens Australia also has the best quality of life among medium-size countries.
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